• I grew up in Venezuela, and originally specialized in 19th-century Venezuelan literature and the connection between nationalism and narrative. I've since branched out into the 20th (and 21st!) centuries, but still explore the relationship between hegemonic ideologies and their artistic reflections. At Trinity, I've taught all levels of Spanish, and seminars in sexuality, film, and youth identities.

    I love teaching at Trinity. I draw daily inspiration from the energy of my students. Trinity is a place where you can develop close ties to everybody: students, faculty, and staff. It truly feels like a community.

    • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
    • "Nación y narración: las perspectivas geográfica, cultural y económica en la narrativa decimonónica venezolana."Cuadernos de Literatura No. 25Ficciones de la escritura y políticas de la representación en el siglo XIX latinoamericano. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Julio-Diciembre. 2008. 152-166.
    • "Una utopía posible: ‘Doña Herlinda y su hijo' y los límites del patriarcado". Miradas al margen. Subalternidad y representación en el cine de América Latina y el Caribe. Caracas: Cinemateca Nacional/Ministerio de Cultura, 2008. 119-134.
    • Contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture 
    • Gender and Sexuality in Latin America 
    • Spanish Language