Chapman’s legacy

— of collaboration, of discovery, and of innovation— has grown for six decades.

Connected by more than just shaded walkways and bridges—but by a spirit of collaboration and discovery—you can think of this set of structures as Trinity’s academic backbone.

Read more about Chapman's history


The Chapman Graduate Center opened in fall 1964 as one of the first major buildings of Trinity's Centennial Program.


Began serving more undergraduate classes and departments under then-University President Ronald Calgaard. 

A modern era

Departments such as History, Philosophy and Business have called the space home, while countless other programs and courses have been offered there.

Chapman tiles
collage of retro Chapman renderings and statue
A man and woman looking at a wooden sign promoting the construction of Chapman Graduate Center at Trinity University.
A man standing talking with two women while looking at a map of Trinity's campus.
Chapman Auditorium during a lecture
Colage of retro Chapman interior and exterior shots
Woman, on the left speaking, in the Great Hall to a group of people
Hand holding a black and white photo of the Chapman building in front of the Chapman building.
Students walking between classes with the Chapman Center in the background
Close-up of light fixtures in Chapman Hall